Recruiting- Canada

Recruiting Head is the human resource you are looking for. Our database specializes in talent searching, job hunting, or solution consulting to business management and human resources.

Recruiting Head's professional training evaluation consultants tailor a variety of open courses, internal training, practical simulation, and experiential training for enterprises to help employees quickly improve their professional level, strengthen professional knowledge & comprehensive quality, and face work challenges easily.

Recruiting Head also provides authoritative talent evaluation tools & services to help enterprises provide complete solutions in recruitment and selection, talent evaluation & development, and quality model establishment.

Accounting & Finance

Accounting clerk, payroll administrator, senior accountant, and controller, etc.

Administrative & Office

Customer service representative, receptionist, administrative assistant, and office clerk, etc.

Technology & IT

Network support and help desk analyst, applications architect, and network administrator, etc.

Sales & Marketing

Business associate, marketing manager, and Graphic or web designer, etc.

And more...

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